Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Telephone Number Appending

CNM has been providing tele-appending services since 1994. We have access to an electronic directory of 27 million telephone numbers and XD flags. The directory is updated daily with upto 100,000 changes on any day.
We understand that errors in your telephone numbers will result in wasted operator time, upset diallers, incur unnecessary cost, and potentially damage your brand. We also understand that match rates must be maximised and therefore employ additional referencing tools to enhance the availability of correct and accurate telephone numbers.
We understand that data is dynamic, and needs maintenance. We are constantly developing our services to meet these changes; Postcode Address File (PAF) cross-checks to ensure accurate address matching and STD Code and number verification to assess telephone number viability. We can also reduce your wastage by cross-checking your data against many industry files, such as Deceased, Gone-away and Movers information.

How does the service work?

You supply requests made up of names, addresses, and postcodes.  CNM then uses computer searching to match your requests with telephone numbers.  The use of advanced computer systems and technology makes it fast, accurate, efficient and cost effective.

Telephone Number Appending

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